5 Mistakes Every Creative Entrepreneur Makes
Whether you’re thinking about dipping your toes into the whole starting-your-own-business thing or you’re already running a start-up of your own, being your own boss can be one heck of a party. That is, of course, as long as you avoid screwing things up. This is easier said than done, as even creative business owners can come up with bad ideas. Here are five mistakes every creative entrepreneur makes (and how to avoid them).
1. Not Picking Your Niche
There’s a lot of competition out there, and there’s no way you can appeal to everyone. Trying to run a start-up by being a wandering generality will not turn heads, so choose a niche for the products and services you offer. Having a specific set of capabilities attracts a specific kind of clientele.
2. Comparing Yourself to, or Copying From Others
Listen – there’s only one Oprah, and you’re not her. You’re never going to be, so don’t try to steal someone else’s thunder. Focus on being yourself, fully and authentically. Nobody trusts a copycat, after all.
3. Not Delivering On Time, Every Time
Your business needs a solid reputation for excellence and performance if you want it to stand out from the pack. You need to develop a strong track record of delivering your goods and services on time all the time – and that means being honest with your capabilities and timetables. Don’t over-promise only to under-deliver!
4. Not Relying on Expert Outside Help
We get it – you want to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. That’s admirable, but taking the DIY approach to everything in your company will burn you out. Learn to delegate and to turn to outside help when you need experts in things you’re not familiar with, like website design or writing copy. Outsourcing will save you time and energy better spent elsewhere!
5. Not Taking the Leap
Timing is everything, but that cuts both ways. If you’re spending all your time hemming and hawing, waiting for the perfect opportunity to launch a new product or service, here’s some news for you: there’s never a “perfect” time. Eventually, you have to jump in with both feet. If you spend all your time waiting for an optimum environment to roll around, you’ll never get started!