3 Ways to Make Sure You Book Clients
You dreamed of becoming a creative entrepreneur, working for yourself and doing something that won’t make you feel like you’re getting your soul sucked out through your ears! But how do you get the new clients you need so badly when no one knows you or your work? Whether you like it or not, you must do some work to secure clients (and the bag). And not just any work; you must make yourself known until you no longer have to introduce yourself. There are three components to picking up clients for your cushy new role as a creative entrepreneur. Here’s what you need to think about:
Increase Your Visibility
In just about any line of work, from a freelancer to a 9 to 5 corporate citizen, getting hired can come down to not just what you know, but who you know. In other words, you can’t expect to book new clients if no one knows you exist! You need to be more than just a name and an email address on an Instagram page. Consider tapping into your network of friends and colleagues so you can forge connections and source referrals.
Building a website, displaying your portfolio, and advertising your services is highly recommended, but you still need to improve your relatability. As a creative entrepreneur, your name and reputation speak for themselves. Being visible online and joining social networks like LinkedIn, Clubhouse, Twitter, or Instagram is a powerful way of increasing your visibility. Strengthening your relationships with key decision-makers, networking with industry insiders, and letting potential clients know you exist is important. Whether you are attempting to increase your visibility online or in person, the best way to grow your network and net worth is by sharing your expertise.
Develop Your Likeability
Whether you’re happy about it or not, connecting with new clients is often like entering into a popularity contest. It shouldn’t matter, but it does. Prospective clients will obviously look at your qualifications, but you can’t discount the human connection, and that is where likeability comes in. This doesn’t mean artificial joviality or anything; people can see through that in an instant. Instead, being your real, authentic self will make you stand out in a positive way. Being authentic can be the difference between getting passed over by a potential client and securing the deal.
Warren Buffett once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” People like individuals who are charismatic, interesting, confident, present, influential, and relatable: individuals they aspire to be like. Although you may embody all these traits, not everyone will like you. That’s a fact. However, when you love yourself enough to show up every day as you, you’ll attract clients who will grow to respect and appreciate you for yourself.
Hone Your Trustworthiness
Honesty is, has always been, and will always be the best policy. When you’re consulting for a new gig, always be clear about what your capabilities are. Don’t misrepresent yourself or your abilities, of course, but do put your money where your mouth is. This can take the form of endorsements, testimonials, and portfolios that showcase the results of your work in the past. You’re not only establishing yourself as an expert but also showcasing how you’re an open individual, who is ready and willing to share with clients when necessary!